Data Provider
Reactodia defines a contract (DataProvider
interface) to query a subset of data from external source (data graph) to provide means for incremental data loading when exploring the graph.
Reactodia uses RDF (Resource Description Framework) as a representation format for the graph data. The core concepts of RDF are:
- IRI (Internationalized Resource Identifier) — basically a URI but not limited to ASCII and may contain most unicode characters.
- resource — a graph node (element) represented by an IRI (in which case it is a named node) or a anonymous dataset-local identifier (it which case it is a blank node).
- literal — a simple value represented by a string with a datatype or a language tag.
- triple — an expressions of the form subject–predicate–object to represent a graph edge of type predicate (link type) between source resource and target resource or literal.
- quad — a triple with an additional associated graph IRI.
For interoperability with other RDF-based libraries for JavaScript, the property values for entities and relations are stored as either named node or literal values using commonly used RDF/JS representation.
To provide improved type-safety with TypeScript when dealing with various kinds of IRIs from the data graph, the library uses the following branded string types:
Type | Description |
ElementIri | IRI of a entity (resource). |
ElementTypeIri | IRI of a entity type (resource). |
LinkTypeIri | IRI of a link type, i.e. triple predicate when the object is a resource (the predicate is always a named node). |
PropertyTypeIri | IRI of a property type, i.e. triple predicate when the object is a literal (the predicate is always a named node). |
Data Providers
The library provides a number of built-in DataProvider
interface implementations for various scenarios:
Provider | Description |
EmptyDataProvider | An empty provider which returns nothing from all query methods. |
RdfDataProvider | Provides graph data from an in-memory RDF/JS-compatible graph dataset. |
SparqlDataProvider | Provides graph data by requesting it from a SPARQL endpoint. |
CompositeDataProvider | Provides graph data by combining results from multiple other data providers. |
DecoratedDataProvider | Generically wraps over another provider to modify how the requests are made or alter the results. |
IndexedDbCachedProvider | Caches graph data returned from another data provider using browser's built-in IndexedDB storage. |
It is recommended to extend EmptyDataProvider
when implementing a data provider: this way methods can be implemented one-by-one as needed and no changes will be necessary if DataProvider
will gain additional methods in the future.
Example: provisioning an RdfDataProvider
from a graph data in JSON Graph Format
In this example Reactodia is initialized with RdfDataProvider
which is provisioned with graph data in JSON Graph Format.
As a first step, the data in converted into RDF graph (triples), next the graph is added to the provider, finally all the nodes are added tot the diagram:
function ExampleRdfProviderProvisionFromJGF() { const {defaultLayout} = Reactodia.useWorker(Layouts); const {onMount} = Reactodia.useLoadedWorkspace(async ({context, signal}) => { const {model, performLayout} = context; // Example graph data based on JSON graph documentation: const jsonGraph = { "graph": { "nodes": { "alice": { "label": "Alice", "metadata": { "type": "Person", "birthDate": "1990-01-01" } }, "bob": { "label": "Bob", "metadata": { "type": "Person", "birthDate": "1990-02-02" } } }, "edges": [ { "source": "alice", "relation": "isFriendOf", "target": "bob", "metadata": { "since": "2000-03-03" } } ] } } as const; const factory = Reactodia.Rdf.DefaultDataFactory; const hasType = factory.namedNode(''); const hasLabel = factory.namedNode(''); const triples: Reactodia.Rdf.Quad[] = []; for (const [id, node] of Object.entries(jsonGraph.graph.nodes)) { const iri = factory.namedNode(`graph:node:${id}`); const {type, ...otherProperties} = node.metadata; triples.push( factory.quad(iri, hasType, factory.namedNode(`graph:type:${type}`)), factory.quad(iri, hasLabel, factory.literal(node.label)) ); for (const [property, value] of Object.entries(otherProperties)) { const propertyIri = factory.namedNode(`graph:property:${property}`); triples.push(factory.quad(iri, propertyIri, factory.literal(value))); } } for (const edge of jsonGraph.graph.edges) { const source = factory.namedNode(`graph:node:${edge.source}`); const target = factory.namedNode(`graph:node:${}`); const predicate = factory.namedNode(`graph:node:${edge.relation}`); const edgeTriple = factory.quad(source, predicate, target); triples.push(edgeTriple); for (const [property, value] of Object.entries(edge.metadata)) { const propertyIri = factory.namedNode(`graph:property:${property}`); triples.push(factory.quad(edgeTriple, propertyIri, factory.literal(value))); } } const dataProvider = new Reactodia.RdfDataProvider(); dataProvider.addGraph(triples); await model.createNewDiagram({dataProvider, signal}); const elementIris: Reactodia.ElementIri[] = []; for (const {element} of await dataProvider.lookup({elementTypeId: 'graph:type:Person'})) { elementIris.push(model.createElement(element).iri); } await model.requestElementData(elementIris); await model.requestLinks(); await performLayout({signal}); }, []); return ( <div className='reactodia-live-editor'> <Reactodia.Workspace ref={onMount} defaultLayout={defaultLayout}> <Reactodia.DefaultWorkspace /> </Reactodia.Workspace> </div> ); }