📄️ <Canvas />
`` is a main component to display a scrollable canvas for the diagram with elements, links and additional widgets.
📄️ <ClassTree />
`` is a component to display an element type (class) tree for the workspace.
📄️ <ConnectionsMenu />
`` component is a canvas widget to explore and navigate the graph by adding connected entities to the diagram.
📄️ <DropOnCanvas />
`` component is a canvas widget to allow creating entity elements on the diagram by dragging then dropping a URL (IRI) to the canvas.
📄️ <InstancesSearch />
`` is a component to search for entities by various filter criteria using data provider lookup and add them as elements to the diagram.
📄️ <LinkTypesToolbox />
`` is a component to display incoming and outgoing link types from selected elements, toggle their visibility and initiate the lookup for connected entities.
📄️ <Navigator />
`` component is a canvas widget to display a minimap of the diagram contents.
📄️ <Selection />, <Halo /> and <HaloLink />
There are several canvas widget components which can be used to display actions on the selected diagram elements or links.
📄️ <Toolbar />
`` component is a canvas widget to display a simple toolbar with a an optional dropdown menu.
📄️ <UnifiedSearch />
`` is a component to display a search input with a dropdown for results.
📄️ <VisualAuthoring />
`` component is a canvas widget to provide UI for the visual graph authoring.
📄️ <WorkspaceLayout* />
Reactodia provides layout panel components to display a row or a column of resizable and collapsible sub-components in a accordion-like view:
📄️ <Workspace />
`` is a top-level component which establishes workspace context, which stores graph data and provides means to display and interact with the diagram.
📄️ <ZoomControl />
`` component is a canvas widget to display zoom controls (zoom-in, zoom-out, zoom-to-fit).