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Class Tree

<ClassTree /> is a component to display an element type (class) tree for the workspace.

Element type graph is loaded from data provider associated with the diagram model.

In graph authoring mode, the class tree can be used to create entity elements that are instances of the displayed types.


The same functionality is also available as <SearchSectionElementTypes /> unified search section.

Live Editor
function Example() {
  const GRAPH_DATA = '';

  const {defaultLayout} = Reactodia.useWorker(Layouts);

  const {onMount} = Reactodia.useLoadedWorkspace(async ({context, signal}) => {
    const {model, performLayout} = context;
    const response = await fetch(GRAPH_DATA, {signal});
    const graphData = new N3.Parser().parse(await response.text());
    const dataProvider = new Reactodia.RdfDataProvider({acceptBlankNodes: false});
    await model.createNewDiagram({dataProvider, signal});
  }, []);

  return (
    <div className='reactodia-live-editor'>
      <Reactodia.Workspace ref={onMount}
            <Reactodia.ClassTree />


The component look can be customized using the following CSS properties (see design system for more information):

--reactodia-tree-background-color-activeBackground color for a selected tree item.
--reactodia-tree-background-color-focusBackground color for a hovered over tree item.
--reactodia-tree-border-color-activeBorder color for a selected tree item.
--reactodia-tree-border-color-focusBorder color for a hovered over tree item.