Halo and Selection
There are several canvas widget components which can be used to display actions on the selected diagram elements or links.
Selecting elements
<Halo />
widget allows selecting a single element to perform an element action on it.
<Selection />
widget allows selecting more than one element via rectangular selection box to move them together and perform an element action on them.
There are several built-in element actions that can be used:
Action component | Description |
<SelectionAction /> | Base component to display a custom element action. |
<SelectionActionSpinner /> | Displays a loading spinner (useful as building block for other action components). |
<SelectionActionRemove /> | Removes an element from the diagram. |
<SelectionActionZoomToFit /> | Zooms-in or zooms-out the viewport to fit all selected elements. |
<SelectionActionLayout /> | Performs graph layout algorithm on the sub-graph formed from the selected elements. |
<SelectionActionExpand /> | Toggles expanded state for the selected elements. |
<SelectionActionAnchor /> | Displays a link to the entity IRI. |
<SelectionActionConnections /> | Opens the connections menu for the selected entities. |
<SelectionActionAddToFilter /> | Adds the selected entity to the instances search filter. |
<SelectionActionGroup /> | Groups or ungroups selected elements. |
<SelectionActionEstablishLink /> | Starts creating a relation to an existing or a new entity by dragging it. |
Selecting links
<HaloLink />
widget allows selecting a single link to perform a link action on it.
There are several built-in link actions that can be used:
Action component | Description |
<LinkAction /> | Base component to display an action on the selected link. useLinkActionContext() hook can be used to get additional context for the selected link, including path geometry. |
<LinkActionSpinner /> | Displays a loading spinner (useful as building block for other action components). |
<LinkActionEdit /> | Starts editing the relation. |
<LinkActionDelete /> | Deletes the relation. |
<LinkActionMoveEndpoint /> | Displays a handle which allows to change the relation by moving its endpoint (source or target) to another entity. |
<LinkActionRename /> | Starts renaming a link (change the label on the diagram only). |
The component look can be customized using the following CSS properties (see design system for more information):
Property | Description |
--reactodia-selection-icon-filter | CSS filter for the element selection action icons. |
--reactodia-selection-multiple-box-shadow | Box shadow for the selection rectangle with multiple elements. |
--reactodia-selection-single-box-shadow | Box shadow for the selection rectangle with a single element. |