Toolbar and menu
<Toolbar />
component is a canvas widget to display a simple toolbar with a an optional dropdown menu.
Toolbar actions
There are several built-in toolbar actions that can be displayed as menu items or quick action buttons:
Action component | Description |
<ToolbarAction /> | Base component to display a custom action in the menu or as button. |
<ToolbarActionOpen /> | Opens a generic file selection dialog. |
<ToolbarActionSave /> | Saves diagram layout state or applies authored changes. |
<ToolbarActionClearAll /> | Clears diagram content (all elements, links, etc). |
<ToolbarActionExport /> | Exports the diagram into a file, or prints it. |
<ToolbarActionUndo /> | Performs an undo for a command from the command history. |
<ToolbarActionRedo /> | Performs a redo for a command from the command history. |
<ToolbarActionLayout /> | Performs the default graph layout algorithm on the diagram content. |
<ToolbarLanguageSelector /> | Displays a data language selector for the workspace. |
The component look can be customized using the following CSS properties (see design system for more information):
Property | Description |
--reactodia-toolbar-height | Default height for the toolbar and the menu toggle. |