Playground with the live editor
Workspace usage example via live editor block which updates on every change.
Live Editor
function SimpleExample() { const GRAPH_DATA = '' + 'master/examples/resources/orgOntology.ttl'; const {defaultLayout} = Reactodia.useWorker(Layouts); const {onMount} = Reactodia.useLoadedWorkspace(async ({context, signal}) => { const {model, performLayout} = context; // Fetch graph data to use as underlying data source const response = await fetch(GRAPH_DATA, {signal}); const graphData = new N3.Parser().parse(await response.text()); const dataProvider = new Reactodia.RdfDataProvider({acceptBlankNodes: false}); dataProvider.addGraph(graphData); // Create empty diagram and put owl:Class entities with links between them await model.createNewDiagram({dataProvider, signal}); const elementTypeId = '' as Reactodia.ElementTypeIri; for (const {element} of await dataProvider.lookup({elementTypeId})) { model.createElement(element); } await model.requestLinksOfType(); // Layout elements on canvas await performLayout({signal}); }, []); return ( <div className='reactodia-live-editor'> <Reactodia.Workspace ref={onMount} defaultLayout={defaultLayout}> <Reactodia.DefaultWorkspace /> </Reactodia.Workspace> </div> ); }